
Short-code Services

Short-code services, particularly for OTPs, play a pivotal role in enhancing security, streamlining processes, and engaging customers. Whether it's safeguarding sensitive information, simplifying user interactions. Short-code Services are a versatile tool for businesses in various industries.

Enhanced Security
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Password Recovery
Transaction Verification
User Verification
Event Registration
Account Recovery
Surveys and Feedback
Appointment Confirmation

Short-code Features

One-Time Password

Ensure secure transactions and data access with our one-time password services. Provide an added layer of security for your customers' accounts and information.

Enhanced Security

Short-code OTPs provide a secure and convenient method for user authentication and data protection. They are commonly used for securing online transactions, login processes, and account verifications.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Implement 2FA by sending OTPs to users' mobile devices, ensuring an additional layer of security for accessing accounts and sensitive information.

Password Recovery

Enable users to reset their passwords securely by sending OTPs to their registered mobile numbers, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to accounts.

Transaction Verification

Use OTPs to confirm and authorize financial transactions, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities and enhancing trust among customers.

User Verification

Verify the identity of users during registration or sign-up processes, ensuring that only legitimate users gain access to your platform.

Event Registration

Streamline event registration processes by sending OTPs for confirmation, making it easy for attendees to secure their spots.

Account Recovery

Simplify account recovery procedures for users who have forgotten their login credentials. OTPs can be sent to their mobile devices for easy account access.

Surveys and Feedback

Utilize OTPs to authenticate users participating in surveys or providing feedback, ensuring the reliability of collected data.

Appointment Confirmation

Send OTPs to confirm appointments with clients or patients, reducing no-shows and improving scheduling efficiency.

Contact Us

Let's connect with us.

  • Address:

    Head Office: Bungalow No.176-B, S.M.C.H.S, Block-B, Karachi Pakistan.

Have questions or need assistance? We're here to help! Whether it's crafting impactful SMS campaigns, streamlining your social media presence, or exploring digital solutions like web and app development, our team is ready to support you. Reach out to ITS today and let’s simplify your marketing journey together.

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